Leading for Good

A cultural leadership blog


All perspectives expressed on this blog by John B. Crane or any other contributor are their own and should not necessarily be interpreted as representing any of the groups, organizations, campaigns, or entities with which our contributors may be associated.

The Art of Political Persuasion event coming up…

More citizens in Indiana and across the country are awakening to the need to be more politically engaged, but many people are not quite sure exactly how to influence decision-makers in a way that actually makes a difference. Join me on Saturday, November 20th to learn...

The rise of the parents

Recently, I have been invited to speak at a number of community meetings largely in response to the current organic rising up of parents who are awakening to what has been going on in the education of our children. As I have said often, COVID has become a Great...

September 11th – 20 years since the world changed forever

Like other consequential dates in America’s modern history (e.g. December 7, 1941 and November 22, 1963), we of a certain age remember exactly where we were on September 11, 2001. I was sitting in a graduate school classroom in Chicago on that otherwise normal Tuesday...

Are you encouraging the people around you?

Recently, I was on my regular run along the country roads where we live. As is my habit with oncoming vehicles, I will give a quick nod and mouth “Thank you” to drivers for moving into the other lane and not running me over. Last weekend, a car was approaching with a...

Global Leadership Summit 2021 at the Capitol

Global Leadership Summit 2021 at the Capitol

For the last 27 years, the Global Leadership Network has hosted the Global Leadership Summit. It is a two-day leadership conference that brings together world-class leadership experts from across the cultural spectrum. It has become a truly global leadership movement...